How was your year? Bet you accomplished more than you think! Before the start of the New Year, take a look back. Here’s my 2018 Year in Review.
2018: Coming to a quick close
In November 2017, my mother passed away. It was a difficult year, and by New Year’s Eve, I was spent. I felt like I hadn’t accomplished much. A writer friend posted on Facebook her Year in Review — a running list of everything she’d accomplished through the year. I thought, “Why not?” I took a look back at my year and realized I achieved far more than I had thought. It really put me in a great mindset for the New Year.
Then in 2018, I kept a Success Journal.
Do you do this?
Each month, I kept track of things. I’d forgot about it over the last few crazy months. Today, I went back to it, and filled in those missing months. As I looked through it, I started a list to show a year-at-a-glace. WOW! I couldn’t believe it! Did I really do that? Yes I did! And you probably did, too. This has given me some much needed energy after a busy and exhausting holiday season, and fired me up for 2019.
Want to see my list? Here we go!

My 2018 Year in Review
In case you didn’t know, I publish a magazine called WindyCity Greek. This list reflects what I did at the magazine as well as personally.
– # Articles written: 76
– # Articles edited: 33
– # Newsletters written: 64
– # Special issues published: 5
– # Blog posts: 3
– # Words written in novel: 56,401
– 1st draft of novel complete — editing in progress
– Created an Author page on Facebook
– Launched (my author website)
– Started a video series (Chicago Greek Report) & filmed 14 episodes
– Started a YouTube channel & filmed intro video
– filmed 12 video promos
– Was the MC at the Pythagoras Children’s Academy Gala
– Was interviewed by Echoes of Athens (radio show)
– Was interview by Dialogos Media (Greek internet show)
– Created & led the Culture Day Program (Greece) for a local elementary school
– Spoke to a Girl Scout troop about my journey to writing & led a writing workshop
– Read stories to a 3rd grade class & led writing a writing session
– Hosted a Poetry Contest with 5 schools. Gave talks at the schools about becoming a writer
– Was an honoree at the Child’s Play Touring Theatre 40th anniversary
– Retooled & redesigned magazine & started designing a new website for the magazine
– My magazine and I were selected to be featured in a forthcoming book
– Toured the White House
– Spent an amazing month in Greece
– Met many extraordinary people
WOW! Guess I did accomplish more than I thought this year.
How did you do?
Bet you have a good list, too. Take a few minutes and review your year. My money says you achieved far more than you think. Read it. Read it again. And give yourself a pat on the back. You deserve it! Now, with this new energy, get ready to tackle a brand new year!

Success Journal
Now, go get a new journal. If you like sparkles, go for sparkles. If you like bright colors, go that direction. Get some stickers and colored pens if you like. Or just keep it simple. Or type it on the computer if you prefer. I like pen and paper, and welcome the opportunity to step away from the computer.
Now. grab a cup of coffee. Once a month, sit down and take stock. What did you achieve? What do you want to accomplish in the next month?
Rock 2019
Now, GO PUT TOGETHER YOUR LIST & SHARE! Bring on 2019! You’ve got this. Let’s ROCK!