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My Greek Books – August Reads

by Maria A. Karamitsos   ·  5 years ago   ·  

Welcome back! This month, My Greek Books transport me to the Greek islands and a supernatural realm with Greek gods. Read on to find out what I’m reading.

My Greek Books

Wow! Here we are in August and the summer in zooming by. We’re missing Greece this year and spending a lot of time reliving memories of our previous trips. Morning conversations include, “Where were we on this day?” and we scour through photos to find out. We’ve also been watching our videos from trips as well as travel shows. And thank goodness for books, that transport us from our everyday reality to another time, place—and even, another world.

This month, I’ve been reading books that transport me to the Greek islands, and another that immersed me in a supernatural world. And my to-read list is ever-growing. I bought three new books last week!

Don’t be shy if you’re looking for book recommendations. Drop me a line here. And do share with us in the comments what you’re reading.

Keep reading to discover My Greek Books this month.

Book 2 in the ‘Phi Athanatoi’ series by Efthalia

PHANTASIA – A Bad Day on Olympus by Efthalia

Olympus International Management Services P/L, May 2020

This is the long-awaiting second book in the ‘Phi Athanatoi’ series by Greek-Australian Author Efthalia. WindyCity Greek readers may recall my review of book 1, called PHANTASMA and my interview with the author.

REVIEW: Phantasma by Efthalia

In PHANTASIA, we’re reunited with ex-cop Carissa, who recently learned that she is the daughter of Ares. This time, she’s summoned to Mount Olympus to help clear her father’s name. She’s unwittingly pulled into a dangerous mission, in which she must save Zeus’ life. This distracts from her quest to find a mysterious codex hidden and protected by her mortal family, which in the wrong hands, could destroy humanity. Carissa and her sexy vampire fiancé Xen race against time in this multi-dimensional, multi-world battle of good vs. evil.

Efthalia immerses us once again in a supernatural world of gods and goddesses, with the added spice of vampires, wolves, demons, and even a witch. Mythology takes on new dimension in this imaginative tale.

Buy it on Amazon

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New novel from Timothy Jay Smith

Fire on the Island by Timothy Jay Smith

Arcade Crimewise, July 2020

This book is the first I’ve read by Timothy Jay Smith, who is the author of several other novels.

Fire on the Island sends us to a fictional Greek island. The residents already have their fair share of drama, revealed through several subplots. The island has also struggled with the refugee crisis, trying their best to help, but also to protect their families and livelihoods. When a series of fires break out on the island, a disturbing pattern is discovered. An American FBI agent with a troubled past stationed in Athens heads to the island to investigate.

There’s a lot going on here, with a diverse set of characters. The tension and the stakes build through them, including a wayward priest and a young Albanian who has much to hide. Add to the intrigue, it’s difficult to discern the good guys from the bad. Plus, the island has its own secret—a violent past that residents are desperate to transcend. Can the FBI agent discover the arsonist and the plot before the entire island is destroyed? What does all that mean for the residents and the future of the island? You’ll have to read it to find out.

Check out this complex thriller for a mix of current events, romance, modern-day challenges, and intrigue, set on a small Aegean island.

Buy it on Amazon

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'Perspective' by Peter Manouselis
New memoir by Debut Author Peter Manouselis

Perspective: A Greek American Finding His Way in Greece by Peter Manouselis

Bowker Identifier Services , July 2020

Greek-American Peter Manouselis, a successful investment banker, realizes one day that something is missing. At 31 years old, he’s earned “a small fortune”, traveled, lived in several cities. However, he questions his life. Like many of us, when we get caught up in the rat race, our minds divert to beautiful Greece–the simpler life, the connection to the land. We start to ask ourselves, “Should I just move to Greece?” This Greek-American did just that.

In Peter’s memoir, he chronicles moving to Crete. There, he takes up residence with his estranged father. They have little in common, not to mention a language barrier. His father has different ideas about what his son should be doing. Peter is determined to forge his own path, though his relationship with his father sets up roadblocks.

As Peter settles in and acclimates to his new life, we start to see his transformation. He begins writing screenplays, journaling, composing poetry. In his reluctance to help his father harvest olives and grapes, he forges a connection with the land. He develops relationships with family, learns Greek, makes friends, eventually serves in the Greek army. All these experiences, and the slower pace, bring him new perspective–about himself and life.

In Perspective, we watch Peter stumble, then blossom. We also witness his writing skills bloom. I read this memoir and followed him along to some places I’ve visited and imagined what it would be like to live there. Surely there are challenges, but it sounds like a grand adventure that can only enrich your life. Where does Peter go from here? Read the book to find out.

Buy it on Amazon

My Greek Books August Edition

Well, that’s it for this month. As my to-read stack grows (there are NEVER too many books!), I’m struggling to choose my next read. Stay tuned for My Greek Reads in September to learn my selections.

As always if you’re looking for book recommendations, drop me a line. Share what you’re reading in the comments section below.

Till next time – keep reading!

Read more ‘My Greek Books’

REVIEW: ‘Love is What You Bake of It’ by Effie Kammenou

My Greek Books – May Reads

Check out my guest post on Stacy Juba’s Shortcuts for Writers blogIt’s All Greek To Me: Why Authors Need Cultural Consultants

Check out some of my book reviews in the archives of WindyCity Greek magazine. Click HERE.

Maria A. Karamitsos

Maria A. Karamitsos is a journalist, author, and poet. She's the founder & former publisher/editor of WindyCity Greek magazine and former associate editor & senior writer for The Greek Star newspaper. Maria currently pens a literary column for NEO magazine and also contributes to Greek City Times and TripFiction. Her work has been published in The Magic of Us-A Moms Who Write Poetry Anthology, Recipes & Roots, The Pen Poetry Magazine, Voices of Hellenism Literary Journal, Highland Park Poetry, GreekCircle magazine, The National Herald, GreekReporter, Harlots Sauce Radio, Women.Who.Write, KPHTH magazine, XPAT Athens, and more. Maria has contributed to two books: Greektown Chicago: Its History, Its Recipes and The Chicago Area Ethnic Handbook. She's currently working on her 1st novel.

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